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So the last 2 to 3 months I have been blessed with a great team. Because of that I wanted to write a thank you note to them.

Dear Stop Drop & Roll,

I thank God everyday to be on a team that can have so much fun together, that can push each other closer to God, that can encourage each other to be thankful, and that can work like the body of Christ in our gifts as well as pushing each other to get out of our comfort zone. You have been supportive and vulnerable with me and been real friends to me this last few months of my life.


I have had the honor of experience being on not one team but two teams with you. You are a beautiful example of being on fire for God. (Which is perfect because The only thing that can come close to your love of God is your love for fire.) You bring so much knowledge to the table and much passion to learn more and more. You are proactive to open up and give others a chance to open up too. You are quick to pray. Your joy sets you apart. Thank you for praying over me many times and always asking how I am even when I don’t want to answer.


I am so glad I got to chance to be on a team with you. I talked to you a little bit before we came on this adventure but I never would have known what a amazing personality you have if I never got to be on a team with you. You are goofy and maybe one of the only ones that can match my prank energy. Laughing with you makes my day every time. I have seen you step out in boldness and work so hard to look more like your Heavenly Father. You bring a unique gentleness to our team that is necessary to keep us striving towards unity. Thanks for pushing me to also be a reflection of God and thanks for gardening with me.


You are the every first person I talked to back at the hotel in Atlanta Georgia. I am glad you were one of the first impressions of the World Race for me. I am also glad we could take at least part of this journey together. You practice goodness everyday, it shows in the way you see the lowly and mangy (Like all the stray dogs and cats that walk past). You enjoy Gods creation through nature and animal and plant life. You seek God’s voice everyday and in decisions about your future. Thank you for allowing me to be a little insane sometimes and encouraging the team in evangelism.


Thank God I could be with you in this season as you grow more and more passionate about the Word. I have loved doing life with you this past few months. You have have been an example of boldness and passion for me. You sacrifice a lot of your time to be with God, studying His word and talking with Him. You are kind to your team and to complete strangers too. People are drawn to you because of your kind spirit. Thank you for being vulnerable with the team and thanks for making me feel included in the cool kids club.


Why did we take so long to become friends? I mean Romania was way to far into the race to wait to become friends. I was beyond excited to hear you were going to by my Team Lead back at the end of Romania though. It’s been the best adventure to be lead by you and become your friend. You are not forceful in your leadership but lead with steadfastness. You take tasks and do them far beyond expectations. Even with the pressure of leading a team you still are so good at loving us. Thank you for listening to me and thanks for spending time doing small weird traditions with me.

Thanks team! You are really good at making the best of unexpected situations! And I will definitely miss y’all when we’re not a team anymore. But Thanks God you giving me a little more time with these women of God.


Olivia, Liv, Liver, Liverpool, 1/3 of MOM, prank master, your horse.

If y’all are interested in reading more about these fun people I just told you about here’s some links to their blogs:

4 responses to “Fire!”

  1. Thank you for this glimpse at your team and the way they are impacting your life. This is so exciting to hear you are experiencing community at this deeper level. I am so proud of you.

  2. Oh my goodness, Liv. This post melted my heart. I love SDR so much, and you captured the beauty of each woman so well. You are each so unique in your personalities, gifts, passions, and humor, yet each of you are fully made in the Image of God. This team is such a sweet blend. I was so blessed by my time with you in Albania! I’m so grateful that the Lord saw it fit to craft this team for this season of the race, and I’m confident that we’ll continue to see the fruit of your love for one another and for others in the months and years to come. Love you, sis!