
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In the spirit of thanksgiving last week I thought it would be fun to make a list of what I’m thankful for.
I am thankful for:
9 hours
Baby pictures
Warm showers
First 9 hours! I am currently 9 hours ahead of home. Back in good ol’ New Mexico the sun came up not long ago but here as I write the sun has set not long ago. How did I get so far? Well let me tell you! It took over 30 hours of a bus in the dead of night to 4 plane rides in a row to 2 train rides. But despite some close calls I, all my luggage, and my entire squad did successfully make it to the country Romania.

Next ovens! I was giving the honor of being chosen to be on the “thanksgiving committee”. A brand new squad committee where me and 4 other gifted at making people have fun squad mates make thanksgiving happen! We sent out an ask for some thanksgiving funding so we could go beyond the limits of the budget and wow did we get a great response. Everyone was so eager to give we couldn’t even use all the thanksgiving funding. We had to improvise a little because there wasn’t a turkey or pumpkin pie to be found in our local grocery stores. Fortunately my squad leaders picked only the most elite people for the thanksgiving committee and even with no pumpkin purée or oven the dessert team still came out with 3 of the most beautiful pumpkin pies.

Next baby pictures! Yes we did include fun games for our super thanksgiving away from home. We planned many games but pretty much only played one because it was going so well (and also taking so much time). It was the classic guess the squad member from their baby pictures. But we played with a twist. Once we found out who’s baby pic was up, three people would tell that person why they rocked! It was so awesome to hear why each person was unique and loved and so necessary to our squad.

And next up Family!! I am so thankful for my family! I miss them so much as I know all my squad was missing their families this holiday. I am grateful I have the opportunity to be homesick with others in my squad! I missed watching muppets Christmas carol this thanksgiving mom!! And decorating for Christmas a few days after thanksgiving! Here’s to old fun traditions and here’s to new ones with those who were strangers not that long ago.

Stickers! I love stickers. The reason I stickers is because a large part of our new ministry in Romania is street evangelicalism. The church we partner with has pre-made packets with information about the church, an invitation to the church, and a couple of chapters of the Bible. Before we go out to the streets we put stickers on every packet. It is the perfect opportunity for me to prepare my heart and mind to talk to the people of Romania about whatever God gives me the opportunity to talk about. Whether it’s the gospel or just shoes.

And now we have American! I am so grateful for America while I’m here in Romania. I was assigned to the youth coordinator team for the time we are working with this ministry. My team plans Saturday youth nights. Youth is a broad term we found out as we are supposed to invite everyone from 12 to 25 years old (except if your married! Please do not come if your married! I’m not sure why). The way we were told to attracted youth to this event is telling them we were American. Apparently the youth of Romania want to hang out with Americans. They can recognize an American a mile away. So that’s what we used, the whole squad went to the streets to invite all youth to a fun hangout planned and hosted by Americans! That happened to be in a church and happened to have a life changing testimony about how God gives us a new identity in Him.

And lastly…. Prayer! Pray has become a top priority since I got here in Romania. There are very few missionaries here in the city and the ones who are here often referrer to this place as the missionary graveyard. The reason being that the city we are in is so heavy. It is heavy with an spiritual battle going on. Spiritual warfare has been emphasized so much these past couple weeks. I can see it in small ways. The missionaries who are here tell us that when they leave the city they can feel a weight being lifted off their shoulders. I have heard about so many here practicing witchcraft or other similar things and we have met people who worship demons. I am so thankful I have to ability to communicate with a God who has authority over all heaven and earth and he provides protection from the darkness of this city. I have been learning the importance of prayer and I want to be getting better and better at turning to God for all things, big or small. I know I have backup back at home of people praying for me and my squad and I am so thankful for that but I would always love even more!

Buna Romania! si multumesc God!

4 responses to “Thank”

  1. What an adventure you are having. Praying for your safety and health and energy. Glad you have such a go-get-them attitude. And I pray that you will have opportunity to see people responding to God‘s word.

  2. Your post brought tears to my eyes as we are missing you too. What an awesome thanksgiving celebration you all had. Very proud of you. Praying for you and your team. “You are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world “ 1 John 4:4

  3. What a wonderful post, full of new information and a view into your last week! I’m grateful for your connection with your squad and the chance you had to have new experiences with new friends. I’m grateful for your call home also 🙂 praying for your ministry in Romania!!

  4. Love it Liv! Love you, praying for you, Grandpa was happy to hear you mention the Muppets, he got the disk right out to watch! God bless you through this season away. Grandma